

Unigaz Takes Part in the Largest Food Festival in Jordan
Unigaz is known to support all entrepreneurs by providing them with the needed services to reach their goals and targets. That is why Unigaz Jordan identified the opportunity to take on this unconventional project!

Street food park is the only food festival made for food lovers and entrepreneurs happening in Amman, Jordan. It initially started in 2019, only to stop during the pandemic and resume in 2021. It is one of the largest events to ever happen in Jordan, with around ten million Jordanian Dinar of investments and well known sponsors.

With the festival having more than 16 of the large-scale restaurants and food-related entrepreneurs, the immensity of the event consequently leads to a great amount of energy consumption because it serves different cuisines that require different kinds of cooking styles and heating temperatures.

Therefore not any partner can handle such great responsibility for providing meticulous services. Unigaz Jordan will be responsible for the installation of a centralized gas system and full supply of LPG to all restaurants.

Unigaz Jordan’s high quality and skilled services makes us the right choice for transitioning into a successful event.

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+962 6 533 9608/48
+962 7 7990 4019
1st Floor, Al Bouz Building, English School Circle, Khalda, Amman Jordan | Zip Code: 11953
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