With the end of a year and the beginning of another one, Unigaz Lebanon recognized its senior employees for their long years of loyalty and belonging to the company.
Certificates were distributed to fourteen employees who count today as not only part of the Unigaz family but also its building blocks.
Twelve years into Unigaz Lebanon’s foundation back in 1969, Georges Akiki joined Unigaz and has served in the company now for more than half a century. He and his senior colleagues were left emotional by this initiative, as it was both a surprise and an honor to be recognized for fulfilling their duties over the years.
Chairman Mr. Mahmoud Sidani and Managing Director Mr. Marwan Sidani took this opportunity to dust off memories from their past journey with each of the seniors and recount them to all the attendees.
The distribution of these certificates of recognition left a trace on all employees regardless of their age and generation, as a sense of group and belonging was set above all rivalries and competitiveness.