

Unigaz Lebanon excels again: ISO Re-accreditation
On September 7-8, 2022, Unigaz Lebanon was pleased to welcome the ISO auditor from AFNOR Group on its premises in an act of continuous improvement of the company’s business processes. During this visit, and due to the effective collaboration between all Unigaz Lebanon departments, the audit was accomplished smoothly and Unigaz was reaccredited.

As marked by the ISO representative, the main aim of this audit was not to search for the gaps in the business process, but to guarantee that the system is well maintained and improved when needed.

To dive further into the details of the process, the audit is done based on choosing different samples from several departments and checking the compliance of these departments’ transactions with the ISO standards while keeping an eye on any potential gap. If a gap was found, the auditor would thus increase the sample size to check whether this gap is recurring to take further action. It is also worthy to mention that the report would not only yield findings related to the company’s people or systems, but it can also create opportunities for improvement as well as highlighting “areas of concern” that need immediate corrective action to avoid any future conflicts.

Upon the analysis of the sample chosen from Unigaz Lebanon, the auditor was delighted to announce the promising results that the entity received where there were no evident concerns found due to the well-maintenance of the systems implemented, in addition to the continuous improvements done in certain business areas.

Finally, the Unigaz Lebanon Operations Manager Eng. Hicham Hachicho concluded that the only way to maintain these promising results is to keep and enhance the collaboration between the processes on the entity level that can in turn connect and facilitate the workflow between all departments.
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