

Unigaz Group entity leaders’ attend a Strategic Leadership training workshop
Unigaz Group held its yearly training & development workshop for its ten operations and country managers in collaboration with Starmanship, as part of its Professional Development Program.

The workshop, organized by the regional human resources department, took place in Lebanon on May 9-11, 2022; it included two training modules that enrich the managers’ professional development and support them in staying ahead of any business or regional changes, and in any related field.

“The workshop was organized with the vision of gathering all operations managers and providing them a valuable opportunity to learn, enhance and apply new leadership skills for the better good of their home entities”, said Mr. Zaher Zein, Unigaz Group’s CEO.

During the first two days, the participants went over theories of leadership and management. With a focus on the Power of Execution in the corporate world, the first module covered topics of a leader's mindset, leadership impact, and discipline of execution.

“Planning was one of the most important segments of this training, and I believe in order to plan for any business to succeed it is essential to have passion; they should always come together as they complement each other” said Mr. Hicham Hachicho, Unigaz Lebanon Operations Manager.

On the third and final day, the managers implemented what they learned through a strategic thinking activity, in which they were planning, preparing, and executing action plans all while keeping their objectives in sight.

The workshop was the return of such traditional events after the global challenges we faced in the past two years, which is promising as many similar events are set and being planned for the upcoming months.

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