

Unigaz and Al Makaseed takes action during COVID-19
In light of the difficult conditions Lebanon is going through, and with the spread of Coronavirus, Unigaz Industrial has aligned with Al-Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association of Beirut to help the Lebanese community during this critical lockdown situation, through the distribution and refill of 3000 Gas Cylinders throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan. With each food unit provided by Makassed, a Unigaz voucher is given and distributed by Makassed volunteers and scouts. This is an initiative that would bring hope to Lebanon and the Lebanese families.

Al-Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association is a non-governmental organization established in 1878. It provides education, social, and health care services to the community.

Mrs Roula Ajouz, a Board Member of Al-Makasseed, said: "Al Makasseed’s first actions were ensuring the health and safety of our students, employees, and social workers. Second, we developed a framework for providing food to people in need while adhering to health and safety guidelines”. She also added: “Al-Makassed initiated a regular and consistent distribution program before the COVID-19 Pandemic reached Lebanon, due to the severe economic crisis the country was going through. However, we expanded the scope of distribution due to the Pandemic to reach more people in need”.

Al-Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association and Unigaz Industrial hope to forge a strong partnership to meet the need. They are singularly focused on this disaster response, and they invite anyone who would like to help support the efforts to join on this journey.

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