

Equipping the Education Sector with Reliable LPG Solutions
The education sector plays a vital role in shaping the future of Lebanon, and Unigaz recognizes the importance of providing safe and reliable energy solutions to support this sector. With its extensive experience in delivering LPG solutions, Unigaz Lebanon has been equipping educational institutions across the country with their LPG needs.

LPG is a clean and efficient source of energy that is widely used in schools and universities for cooking, heating, and other applications. With its high energy density, LPG provides a cost-effective source of energy for educational institutions, ensuring that students have a comfortable and safe learning environment.

Unigaz Lebanon's LPG solutions are designed to meet the requirements of this sector and the team provides regular maintenance and safety checks to ensure that the LPG systems are functioning properly, and any potential hazards are identified and addressed immediately.

Many of these establishments include UN-run schools located across different Lebanese districts, Grand Lycée Franco-Libanais which is one of the most reputable schools in the area, Johann Ludwig Schneller School in Bekaa, high-end universities including Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanese American University-Byblos (LAU-Byblos) & Notre Dame University-Louaize (NDU), as well as other small and medium scale institutions.

Unigaz Lebanon's efforts to equip the education sector in Lebanon with their LPG needs are notable. Its LPG solutions provide a cost-effective, safe, and reliable source of energy to educational institutions. Unigaz's commitment to the education sector in Lebanon demonstrates its dedication to the development and progress of the country.
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+961 1 666 666
+961 1 241 111
Shell Street, Seaside Road, Bourj Hammoud, Beirut Lebanon | Zip Code: 1203
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