
Unigaz celebrates employees’ annual milestone
As the end of year draws near, Unigaz wanted to take such an opportunity to appreciate its employees' hard work, dedication and commitment throughout this year that was and will always be the foundation of success. That is why Unigaz held its annual “End of year” gathering across all entities to celebrate its prosperity and value the support of all its teams.
This gathering took place both online and offline where teams from all 10 entities gathered to celebrate the success and tremendous achievements accomplished throughout 2022.

To shed light on the importance of teamwork, and as an appreciation for all the taken opportunities, Unigaz chairman Mr. Mahmoud Sidani ensured that this year has been a mixture of both challenges and victories, and as the business world is constantly evolving, Unigaz's passion to provide the most innovative gas solutions and services was also evolving and elevating. He also expressed how proud he is of all the Unigaz employees who have risen to meet every roadblock, while always looking out for the clients to meet their needs.

From the Unigaz family, we wish you a blessed year to come that holds nothing but success, prosperity, and tranquility.

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